GFM Group`s Board of Directors is a group of individuals who act on behalf of the investors and other financial stakeholders in the venture to provide oversight and direction to the company. The Board`s principal priority is to ensure that the financial stakeholders` interests are upheld and acted upon appropriately by the company under their direction.
Board Members
Members are the integral part of organization and are adhered to the following responsibilities and duties.
- Committed to the organization`s mission & program.
- Update themselves with the issues and trends that affect the organization
- Attend meetings regularly and actively participate in them.
- Contributes their knowledge and skills in committee work
- Understand and monitor the organization`s financial affairs.
- Maintain confidentiality and avoid any conflict of interest.
- Ensure the organization is complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.
Management System
GFM Group has adopted a Management System that consists of two levels namely.
- Senior Management level 1
- Senior Management level 2
Senior management level 1 & level 2 both together envision GFM Group`s future and implements plans, strategies and policies to guide and direct their employees to achieve it. They supervise and coordinate their organization`s operations and make sure employees have the resources required to perform their duties and responsibilities.
Senior Management level 1, where CEO & CFO play the major role. CEO is the principle executive “Point of Contact” and is generally accountable for ensuring that appropriate strategies are in place and are acted on the priority basis as established by the BOD. Whereas, the CFO ensures and maintains the financial health of the company and is also responsible for solidifying and maintaining investors` relationship and he also encompasses the responsibilities for corporate administration, legal affairs and internal information technology infrastructure.
The Senior Management level 2 at GFM further consist of the following directors
- Trade & Marketing Director
- HR Director
- IT Director
- Legal & Regulatory Director
- Operations Director
- Finance Director